Thursday, 22 September 2016


Alright...I know I said I would be posting each day for spelling this week but I had a meeting right after school in TRF. So let me show you a picture and quick check in about what we do on Wednesday!

Below is a picture of our Sort and Copy. On Wednesday's the kids use their spelling words to write their sort and copy in our "test like" paper grid. This is good practice for them to have before their pre test and actual test! Once they get that done I check it and then they do a spelling choice.

Below are a couple pictures of some of our spelling choice options. . . 

NOW....For Thursday we do our pre test! The kids who scored 24/24 on their tests today do NOT have to test on Friday! Yahoo! I had four kids AGAIN who do not have to test tomorrow. Make sure to practice not only spelling those words but sorting them! 


We have had so much fun the past couple days talking about verbs and dictionary practice. Below you will see some student work with their opened up dictionaries. We made it into a scavenger hunt and not only did the kids have fun learning how to operate the dictionary but I was having so much fun teaching it to them! One of my favorite parts about the lesson was having a student say, "I didn't think we were going to find any." Those two students found two and got the chance to write the page number on the smart board for the class! I love it!!

Here is the song we learned today about Verbs! Play it at home for the kids to show you how to move along with it! They had so much fun getting out of their seats today. 

Next up we had some AWESOME fourth graders come read a book to our class. Our school is working on having everyone read the same book about differences between people and how we are all unique. The fourth graders already read the book and created their "fish" to go with it. Students were each given a rock and then worked on painting their rocks to look like unique fish! We will be using them school wide hopefully this year in a project!

This is the book: Only One You

I will have to line up all the "fish" when they get their eyes on!! It was a fun project and I loved getting other kids from the older classes involved in my class. 

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