I love having the clip chart so the kids and I can BOTH see where they should be and what they should be working on!
We have chrome books just for our grade level! I try and use them as much as we can, so we have a couple websites for the "Listen to Reading". The kids LOVE storylineonline.com (I also love it) ha!
Read to Self is always a good thing to practice! We have discussed in depth all of our rotations for Daily 5, ESPECIALLY Read to Self. The kids know what kind of books are a good fit for them during this time. I also just love seeing my kids enjoy that big cheetah chair!
More word work...I love that the kids love this coin word work activity! It is great for their math skills and spelling skills! They do have multiple choices for word work activities, but I was just taking random pictures today.
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Now I just want to show you a quick and easy activity I did with the kids today. We have been working on "Detail" in our sentences and making something OK to AWESOME. I had one student read and share hers with us! PS this would be a great at home activity you can do with no prep or crazy materials!
I couldn't get the video to work but the rest looks like a lot of fun!