Friday, 27 January 2017

Catch up..

Here are a few things we have been working on..last week we did this fun art project with water colors. One of my students came up to me and showed me theirs and said they wiped it to the side with paper towel. WOW did it look cool! The kids all decided they wanted theirs to be "smeared" too! 

I love teamwork in the classroom. It is fun to see them working so hard in different areas of the room. Desks are to boring to do ALL of our work in! 

 We are just starting our unit on TIME this week. This is a challenging concept for some kids. Today we worked on quarter to and quarter after! Please practice with your child to get them using that skill daily!

They begged me to record them so we could put their new song on the blog! We love learning via music style! Plural nouns are now stuck in my head! 

Today's art project was a hoot! I had made this fish below and when I opened it all the kids facial expressions were SO funny. They let out a gasp and giggle. Below are some of their works of art! 

I also sent home report cards today! They are in a white envelope in the kids homework folders. I also sent home a signature form about the students being on the internet at school. They NEED to bring these back ASAP or they will be cut from being on our computer systems (boo, no fun) 

Have a great weekend!! 

-Miss E

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