Monday, 14 November 2016

Full Moon Monday...

Such a busy day in our classroom! I first just wanted to share a picture of the homework calendar on the back of our reading log I sent home today... this will be replacing our two math homework sheets that the kids use to get daily. Now the kids will have to complete four choices a week, their reading log, and their spelling choice notebook! I sent home a letter with more details! 

During our reading groups today the kids had such great discussions with each other while finding text evidence. I love just sitting back and listening to them discuss and use new vocabulary we have bene learning in our groups!

 We are still working on adjectives, and today I wanted the kids to make their own anchor chart! I told them it was a "poster" so it needed nice handwriting and coloring...We will keep these in our mustard folder for reference for the next couple of weeks! 

Lastly, I took down our moon phases interactive bulletin board we made together and switched it up for our Native American Unit we will be starting tomorrow! These are our new vocabulary words for the unit. I love how when the kids came back from swimming today they were sooooo curious! I love watching those big brains burst with curiosity!!

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