Monday, 27 February 2017

I'm Back!

It has been a while since I posted on the blog! We are busy busy in the classroom, so I am sure your kids are tired when they get home! We are getting wiser each day :) Just a reminder that tomorrow is our last day of parent teacher conferences!

This week is also READ ACROSS AMERICA WEEK! We have some fun challenges that we will be doing this week school wide. I sent home a sheet today about the dress up days we will be doing! I was so sad when I forgot to send it home Friday! Below is a picture of the schedule for dressing up each day. (these are so simple)

Here are some pictures from the classroom! I love these top two because they are from a collaborative reading and poster making assignment! They worked hard on these and I loved learning about what they had read!

I'm totally digging our new set up for seating! I call them I-Pods. Each pod has a name and they are: tick-tock-and clock! When I say those three words which ever group is seated quietly and nicely will get a challenge point! 

Have a Seuss-tastic week!! :)

Thursday, 16 February 2017


So funny, we celebrated our 100th Day of school last week and one of our fun activities was writing about what life would be like when they are 100 years old. I sure chuckled a lot when I was reading through them. Especially the one that said, "When I am 100 there MIGHT be stoplights in Canada" :) Here are pictures of your babies at 100 years old!

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

It's Only Tuesday

Alright, so like I said previously we have started our money unit! It is so fun to see what they know and how well they are grasping the new concept! The lessons we teach are broke down daily, so our focus today was counting nickels and pennies. It was fun to challenge my different level groups in different ways! 

Big Books are such a BIG hit during our Daily 5 routine. I just introduced this new choice during read to someone earlier this week. The kids are digging the stories and doing great reading aloud with their partner. I feel like they are really building up their fluency! 

I must brag about this art project...I am OBSESSED with it! When the kids came back from recess they were like, "Oh no! Is that our art project?" They were pleasantly surprised when they watched me create this piece and saw how simple it actually was. They all turned out AMAZING. I don't have a picture of them all together but they all seriously look just like mine! They are brilliant little artists. :) 

On a side note--I sent home progress reports Monday, they need to be signed and returned ASAP! I also sent home our conferences time slot sheet today, on a purple piece of paper. Please get them turned in ASAP as well so I can get you in at the time selected! Thank ya!! 

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Coming Up!

Hello all!

I just want to throw out there what we have planned for this coming week! This week we will be doing our winter MAPS testing on the computers! I have planned for Monday we will do the math test, and Wednesday reading!

Some fun topics we will be starting this week will be our money unit in math, singular and plural possessive nouns, endangered species, cause and effect in stories, and the 100th day of school writing project! Yes Friday is our 100th Day of second grade!! I can NOT believe it. This year sure is flying by..

See ya tomorrow kiddos!!

-Miss E☺

PS Start thinking about your Valentine's Day boxes! Here are a couple ideas I saw on pinterest the other day! I will be sending home a sheet with some info because we will be having a classroom competition!

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Random Acts of Kindness Month

February is known as "Random Acts of Kindness Month". To start off the loving season I decided to have kids draw a name of a classmate. They had to think of three positive good things about that classmate and write one on each heart to post on their locker! I love spreading the love, and I really love that I had the kids keep it a secret. They loved going out and reading what was said about them! 

Here are just a couple examples up close. . . 

We launched a new unit in our WIN time with Miss Spee and Mrs. Nelson. We will be talking about endangered species. I thought it might be interesting for you to see the way in which we tell the kids what their final product will be when we start them project. Below is their goal that they look at each day! Sometimes I don't think people realize how AMAZING these kids are with the level of knowledge they use! As I would tell the kids...they are AWESOME-SAUCE! 

Our buddy brought in some cool things from home today! In our launch text we talked about beach combing and this kiddo LOVES sharks and had some neat things to share!

I love setting the timer and having the kiddos roam the room and solve some questions with a partner.  Today I let them choose a partner from their pod to answer comprehension questions to a short video about ground hogs day! 

Lastly, Check out our new door! :) Took the kids a minute to understand it! 

Let's hope to have a happy Fri-YAY tomorrow! We will kick off our day with a math test on telling time! I did send home some little games for fun and practice tonight!