Saturday, 17 December 2016

Coming Up. . .

This coming week is going to be a busy one!! I just thought I would give everyone a heads up. I just wanted to let everyone know the important dates and times for our festivities this week! 😊


  • We will be having our "practice" Christmas Program this day at 9:30 am. The elementary is invited to enjoy this program.
  • It is also "Red and Green Day" school wide on Tuesday! 


  • We have our Christmas Program at 9:30 am for parents and the public. We will also be taking a classroom "Christmas Card"picture in our class this day and I told kids they could bring Santa hats for the picture! So if they ask about bringing their Santa hat to school it was a request of mine...(totally fine if they don't bring it)  
  • In the afternoon we will be working on procedural writing and enjoying hot chocolate while we watch a Christmas movie with the other second grade class! The students will also be getting their gift from me this day....Ill tell you what that is through pictures on Wednesday! 


  • Our school will be doing Ugly Sweater Day again this year! Remember that this sweater isn't something that needs to be purchased! You could easily just decorate up an old sweater in the closet for the day! 
  • We also have our Christmas Party in our classroom starting at 1:30 pm. I sent the kids home with a note and parent contact information for those who volunteered for the party. 

Friday--NO SCHOOL! Let Christmas break begin! 👍

Thursday, 15 December 2016


hello! I can't post pictures from my phone, but I wanted to get a post on the blog for two big things going on tomorrow. Tomorrow is our big unit test on our subtraction and addition with regrouping! We spent the whole week reviewing and practicing as a class and in smaller groups. I think the kids will do a great job!

Next, tomorrow will be the white elephant sale! I know the kids have done this before, but it is my first time! I have been holding sheets and money for s couple kids and will hold their money until we go shopping tomorrow morning! They get so excited each time they walk by the sale!

Lastly, I sent home crepe forms from the high school. The high schoolers will be selling and delivering Crepes to the classrooms Thursday before our Christmas break. They are $2.00 per crepe. They can bring money and the form in tomorrow, but they are DUE Monday, December 19th! 

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Christmas Spirit

Our class is in the Christmas spirit! This is officially my FAVORITE time of the year...spending this season with 18 kids everyday is the best! Our elf Oochie made a couple messes this week. 1. Dumped all the building blocks out. 2. Took a selfie (or an ELFie:)) and set it as our desktop background. 3. Got himself taped up in the door while the kids were at music! Yikes! 

We also got rid of our turkey door and moved onto our snowman door! I love switching our theme with the season! Goodbye fall...hello winter! :) 

While in the midst of all our fun we do get a lot done as well! I wanted to share with you what we did in math last Friday. The kids have been very focused on learning addition with regrouping and subtraction with regrouping. Friday we learned 2 ways to solve the same problem! I never knew this way, but I was excited to teach it because it was really easy! I don't expect them to do it the "new" way but all kids learn differently, so I like to give the option and show them we can solve the same thing different ways! 

Now onto the all time FAVORITE Christmas story (my books is falling apart :( wahhh) I read the story to the kids Friday and then after some reading comprehension work we got to do this fun directed drawing! I am a big fan of directed drawings and instead of me being the "instructor" this time we watched one of my favorite youtube channels the "Art for Kids Hub". It is an artistic dad who does directed drawings with his kids and we get to watch them side by side draw the same thing! Any who.....they did the Grinch and I thought it was the perfect time to introduce the students to this fun art channel. I must say these turned out AWESOME when they were finished.

I also gave them this printable quote that is from our story we read of my favorites around Christmas time! Don't forget what is important this holiday season! 💚

Monday, 5 December 2016

December Already??

Wowza! Time is flying by, I just can't believe that it is already December! We are totally in Christmas mode in my classroom! I love how we can listen to Christmas music as we write about our Christmas themed work! PS have your kids mentioned Oochie Boo??? He was the size of a staple and no one could see him unless they were over 20 and believed in him. Well he left a note on our white board one morning ....picture below...let me just say I have never seen the kids sooooo excited!

Here is a note Oochie left us over night! I was so excited to see them when they finally noticed the note on the board!

Oochie trying to get into one of our students birthday treats! 

This is the morning one of the jobs they have to do is mark what they are having for lunch. They all came in wondering where he was and there he was writing EW on his least favorite lunches. HA

We also made these complex art project the other day of "ourselves" caroling! I did not think this project would be such a toughie, but I would say for second grade they did an AMAZING job!

Today I gave the kids a mission...everything is more fun when it is called a mission right? Well anyhow I love change, so we move seats frequently. We are trying out a new "formation" which I am really excited about. Below is a video of them during their mission!